英语翻译学习笔记 英语翻译学习笔记
本文作者艾格尼丝·史沫特莱(Agnes Smedley, 1890-1950)是一位美国女作家、新闻记者。1928年以《法兰克福日报》特派记者身份来中国,在上海参加中国进步文化运动。抗日战争爆发后,前往延安,在山西前线做过战地救护工作。1950年5月6日,与世长辞,临终留下遗嘱:把骨灰埋在中国,遗物交给朱德总司令处理……这位“像热爱自己的祖国一样热爱中国”、“经常忘记了自己并不是中国人”的美国人,以一种令人震撼的方式表达了她对中国人民和朱德元帅的诚挚感情。本文摘自她所著的记述朱德生平的《伟大的道路》。
1. Taking the train, the two friends arrived in Berlin in late October 1922, and went directly to the address of Chou En-lai.
Taking the train是一个分词短语,作状语,出现在主语前面。译成汉语时应根据汉语的表达习惯先出主语,译作“他们两个人坐火车于一九二二年十月下旬到达柏林,直奔周恩来的住处。”
2. When Chou En-lai's door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful.
"border on/upon":be almost the same as sth.; verge on sth.几乎与某事相同;在某不物的边缘。
例:(1)The proposal borders upon the absurd. 该提议近乎可笑。
(2)The boy's reply to his teacher was bordering on rudeness. 那男学生回答教师的问话时态度近乎粗鲁。
(3)Our task borders on the impossible. 我们的任务几乎是不可能完成的。
3. Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them.
"quiet": 意为"gentle, not forceful", 译为“性情温和”较为妥贴。
4. As he talked Chou En-lai stood facing him, his head a little to one side as was his habit, listening intently until the story was told, and then questioning him.
5. When the reply came a few months later they were enrolled as full members, but Chu's membership was kept a secret from outsiders.
“was kept a secret from outsiders”是“对外界保持秘密”的意思,但若采取直译,全句读起来不很通顺,故为了行文方便,采用反译法,即从相反的角度来译。
本文标签:四川小自考 串讲笔记 英语翻译学习笔记 英语翻译学习笔记