ability n. power and skill, esp. to do, think, act, make etc. 能力,才能
accurate a. free of mistakes; exactly correct 准确的;精确的
biology n. the scientific study of living thing 生物学
blur v. make difficult to see (through or with) clearly 把…弄得模糊不清
brass n. a very hard bright yellow metal, a mixture of copper and zinc 黄铜
built-in a. internally fixed 内在的,固定的
compass n. an instrument for showing direction, usu. consisting of a free-moving magnetic needle which always moves to point to the north 指南针
complex a. difficult to understand or explain 难以理解的;复杂的
extra a. beyond what is usual or necessary 额外的
measure v. find the size, length, amount, etc. 量;测量;估量
messenger n. a person who brings one or more pieces of information 送信者;使者
mystery n. sth. which can not be explained or understood 神秘的事物;难以解释的事物
navigate v. direct the course of ( a ship, plane, etc.) 导航
overcast a. dark with clouds 多云的;阴暗的
race v. compete in speed 比速度;参加竞赛
shift v. change in position or direction; move from one place to another 转变;转移
biological clock 生物钟
gelatin n. 动物胶
magnetic a. 有磁性的
astronaut n. a person who travels through space in a space vehicle 宇航员
attain v. reach 到达
comparable a. capable of being compared 可比较的
conquest n. gaining control over 征服,赢得
cosmos n. the whole universe 宇宙
crush v. press or be pressed, so that there is breaking or i
本文标签:四川小自考 串讲笔记 串讲小自考英语阅读(二)词汇UNIT9-12