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发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:42 编辑整理:四川小自考网网 【字体: 【加入自考交流群】
  Unit 8

  Text A  Telecommunication via Satellite


  1. At the begging of sth.  在什么的开始/介词词组

  2. Change into  转变成/动词词组

  3. From…to…  从…到/介词词组

  4. Pick up  接收/动词词组

  5. Be capable of sth./doing sth.  某人能够胜任某职位;某事有可能做某事/形容词词组

  6. In theory  理论上地/副词词组

  7. Have access to sth./doing sth.  接触,使用,可接近/动词词组

  e.g. You can easily have access to him.  他很好接近。

  We have free access to her materials.  我们可以免费使用她的材料。

  8. Provide help to people  为人们提供帮助/动词词组

  9. Be able to do sth.  能够做某事/形容词词组

  10. Follow sb.s instructions on sth.  在什么事上听从某人的意见/动词词组

  11. Care for  照顾/动词词组.

  12. As well as  也/起到连接作用的词组.

  13. Be a risk to sth./doing sth.  做某事很冒险/名词词组

  14. Pay for sth.  为某样物品付款/动词词组.

  15. Isolate sth./sb. from sth./sb.  市某人/某物与某人或某物隔绝/动词词组

  16. Do one's banking  存钱或取钱(银行业务)/动词词组

  17. Prevent sth. from sth./doing sth.  阻止某事发生/动词词组

  18. Lead sb. to success 引导某人成功;lead to sth./doing sth.  导致/动词词组


  1. 时态题:By the middle of the century, both radio and television had become established means of transmitting sounds and/or pictures. By the time of +现在时间状语,用一般现在时;by the time of +将来时间状语,用将来完成时;by the time of +过去时间状语,用过去完成时。

  2. Printed materials  印刷材料;isolated areas  荒芜的地区

  3. Entertain(v.娱乐)-entertained(adj. 娱乐的)-entertainment(n. 娱乐)

  4. In 1975, many people in India saw television for the first time as they watched programs about agriculture and health. (因为)

  5. Common的最高级the most common


本文标签:四川小自考 串讲笔记 小自考英语(一)讲义(8)






